Tyra Banks On Ice Cream, Underwear, and Joining Skims’ Supermodel Reunion
Having a masterful vigor when leading a brand is certainly helpful, but Kim Kardashian’s defining product line relies more on the reality TV star’s ability to make headlines. Since launching in 2019, Skims has masterfully captured the internet’s attention with talked-about campaigns featuring some of the biggest names in pop culture. Its advertising was clever, provocative, and hit people’s nostalgia in the early 2000s. Example: The new launch of Skims highlights the appeal of Victoria’s Secret’s once-army of angels. Tyra Banks, Heidi Klum, Alessandra Ambrosio and Candice Swanepoel reunite for glossy photos by photographers Sandy Kim & Greg Wales, and in a twist, Kardashian joins the party too.
As the first Black Angel and the author of the groundbreaking reality TV series, Banks was an ideal choice to appear in commercials. She’s a supermodel, producer, author and businesswoman who embodies the kind of multitasking ambition that typifies a modern celebrity. Backstage, she and fellow businessman Kardaishian have a lot to discuss, including family, fame, and the advice they’ve received from their mothers. Here, Banks shares what it really feels like to be on set, what it’s like to return to lingerie modeling after years off work, and why her latest project might be the most exciting.
Kim reached out to me and we had a beautiful candid conversation about the campaign. I have respected her business savvy for quite some time; After that call, my respect grew to an even greater extent. Kim spoke words of wisdom from her mother echoing the sage advice my mother had shared with me over the years. I haven’t modeled lingerie and bras for too long, but I said yes after talking to Kim and hearing her kind, loving, and instinctive words!

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